4 definitions by MADC1

To have your chip stack multiply by 4 times in a single hand in Texas Holdem Poker. This happens when a player goes all in and is called by three other players, all of whom have the initial bettor "covered".
I went all in with 2 7 os, hit a boat, allowing me to fourple up!
by MADC1 January 14, 2006
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A poker player that continually plays inferior hands in Online Texas Holdem poker due to their lack of knowledge of the game.
I went all in on the flop after my pocket Aces hit another on the flop. I lost the hand on the river to a troll who hit flush with his 8 3 offsuit.
by MADC1 January 14, 2006
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A substitute for any curse that will be filtered at the ESPN POKER Club
Shut the Stock up! What the Stock?
by MADC1 January 14, 2006
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