8 definitions by M.D. the shrugging guy

The ridiculously stupid pattern of clicking the top left key, bottom right key, bottom left key, top right key, one to the right of the top right key, one to the left of the bottom right key......................
Astronaut 1: qmzpwnxoebcirvuty
Astronaut 2: (Opens airlock)
by M.D. the shrugging guy February 18, 2021
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Spiral towards the middle clockwise from p
P1: Did you know qazxcvbnmlpoiuytrewsdfghjkkjhgfdswertyuioplmnbvcxzaq is a word?
P2: yes
P1: ... what about plmnbvcxzaqwertyuiokjhgfdssdfghjkoiuytrewqazxcvbnmlp?
P2: Go away.
by M.D. the shrugging guy February 18, 2021
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Typing triangles on your keyboard from the outside to the inside starting from the left. (qaw plo zsx km edr ijy cfv nhb tgy) with km being only 2 letters due to the fact that there arent enough triangles
P1: Surely I have typed every pattern into my keyboard by now!
P2: Have you done qawplozsxkmedrijucfvnhbtgy?
P1: (Faints from sheer amazement)
by M.D. the shrugging guy February 17, 2021
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ploqawkmzsxijuedrnhbcfvygt is what you get when you type keyboard triangles from the outside staring on the right (plo qaw km zsx iju edr nhb cfv ygt)
P1: ploqawkmzsxijuedrnhbcfvygt
P2: Someone call an ambulance!
by M.D. the shrugging guy February 17, 2021
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Squares on your keyboard from left to right followed by the bottom row from the inside out (qasw edfr tghy ujki olp vb cn xm z)
P1: I have done all of the triangle patterns on my laptop after all these years!!!
P2: What about squares?
P1: ............ what?
P2: qaswedfrtghyujkiolpvbcnxmz
P1: (dies)
by M.D. the shrugging guy February 17, 2021
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When you type triangles onto your keyboard with the top ones then the bottom ones
Nobody has typed qawedrtgyujiolpzsxcfvbhnmk before me so yay for u?
by M.D. the shrugging guy February 10, 2021
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