7 definitions by LuckyDarth123

I got you, I see you, yeah, go ahead,
scroll away. Now put bofa yo hands on your eyes and cry about it.
by LuckyDarth123 December 17, 2021
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Boop noodles, Danger noodles, whatever you call them. They are cuddly.
If you love sneks they are a boop noodle.
by LuckyDarth123 February 24, 2020
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a word typed when bored using every word on keyboard left to right.
I was bored so I typed asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm.
by LuckyDarth123 February 24, 2020
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Everyone moved to the side in the hallway cause Tav was walking through.
by LuckyDarth123 December 17, 2021
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When you mispell worm on purpose trying to be funny.
Spelling bee lady: The word is: Worm
Kid: W e r m
Spelling bee lady: incorrect, it is w o r m.
Kid: you are wrong, let me win NOW! It IS spelled werm!
Spelling bee lady: No, fuck off
by LuckyDarth123 December 18, 2021
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weird motions with your arms and hands that some people call cool.
During class she got up and started doing tik tok dances and got in trouble by the teacher.
by LuckyDarth123 February 27, 2020
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