8 definitions by Lor
by Lor April 21, 2005
"A Hot Topic Model" One who looks like they could be a walking advertisement for hot topic (It makes up almost their entire wordrobe)
by Lor September 21, 2003
an amazing movie and a beautiful love story...The acting and singing are awesome, and the choreography is unbelievable.
Moulin Rouge is a great (but sad) movie. Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman's acting/singing is perfection!
by Lor September 3, 2005
one who wears their hair in a high pony tail on their head (some times in a bun).
Often of the "popular crowd"
Often of the "popular crowd"
by Lor September 21, 2003
the hot-ass man that plays the Gondorian King and the cowboy AND that sexy artist dude (A Perfect Murder)See also: viggolicious
Viggo is SO damn sexy!!
by Lor June 30, 2004