4 definitions by Loli Daddy

Based on how Zahha in the mobile game "Dragon Ball Legends" defeated Lord Beerus, Goku, and Gohan. To be "Zahha'd" is when you try to erase an opponent from existence but they survive it and turn it back on you, erasing YOU from existence
"Bro, I just got Zahha'd in For Honor!"
by Loli Daddy June 21, 2021
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When your day has started off on literally the shittiest foot you’ve ever seen and you’re trying to be optimistic.
I just saw my cat eat his own shit and die. “Great start” to my day.
by Loli Daddy August 22, 2019
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When it's really tasty and you don't have anything else so you put "mmm" in front of it
by Loli Daddy August 10, 2019
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