5 definitions by LocEngPlay

A portmanteau of "naive" and "retard". Describe someone who willingly and ignorantly believe in something that even a retarded person would not.
Guy friend: You honestly think your wife is just playing tennis every night with her Mr. Tennis Coach? You are a freaking naitard!
by LocEngPlay April 16, 2014
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A portmanteau of "typhoon" and "holiday". A public holiday brought about by the hoisting of high intensity typhoon signals in some Asian countries and cities such as Hong Kong and Taiwan. Pronounced as "tai-foo-li-day" or "tai-fall-li-day".
School boy: Yes! It's typhoon signal number 8! My first typhooliday this year!

Mum: What? No school again? I paid school fees, you know?
by LocEngPlay December 10, 2013
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Words of encouragement.
Similar to the Chinese "add oil". As used by Heidi Bressler in Apprentice season 1 episode 1.

Used time around 23rd minute
A: I'll go into the examination hall and have my exam now.
B: Get gas!
by LocEngPlay November 27, 2009
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To assault someone with boobs / breasts
In Hong Kong, a woman was sent to prison for boobsaulting a police officer (with her breasts)
by LocEngPlay August 7, 2015
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to assault someone with female boobs / breasts
In Hong Kong, a woman was sent to prison for boobsaulting a police officer (with her breasts).
by LocEngPlay August 5, 2015
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