3 definitions by Liya Chante
The spaceship featured in lost in space that the Robinsons family travels on to go to alpha centauri. It is a completely fictional spaceship shown in the GIF below. There are also many others like the Jupiter 8, 9 , 4, 6, 1 , 3 ect
by Liya Chante April 10, 2021
A person who is completely fine after a hard brake up that you suffered a lot from. This is also used in a taylor swift song titled Mr.Perfectly Fine.
by Liya Chante April 10, 2021
The feeling of someone / something being aggressive towards you or a random noise, sight, song ect feeling agressive.
Wow that song is aggresitizing!
I feel aggresitized when you do that.
If you aggresitize me, I will tell the teacher!
I feel aggresitized when you do that.
If you aggresitize me, I will tell the teacher!
by Liya Chante April 10, 2021