3 definitions by Lefty Wing Snowflake

Mike Pence
/mīk, pens/
noun: Mike Pence; plural noun: Mike Pences; informal: Pence; informal plural: Pences;


a devotee of a Donald J Trump, cause, or activity.

"not a freethinker and a follower of Trump"

synonyms: bitch, henchman, minion, lackey, servant, sidekick

"the President's closest 'Mike Pence'"

disciple, apostle, supporter, defender, champion;

believer, true believer, worshiper

"a follower of Donald J Trump"

fan, enthusiast, admirer, devotee, lover, supporter, adherent

"followers of Donald J Trump's idiocies"


a person who moves or travels behind Donald J Trump.



a person who hates the sexual choices of others despite his own sexual appetite pertaining to bestiality.

synonyms: hypocrite


a person who hates or fears homosexual people


Formal: Man, this guy is a crazy Mike Pence, look at him getting wet listening to that bigot!;

Informal: Look at those idiots kissing Donald J Trump's Ass, they are a bunch of Pences!


Barb E. Dahl: Why would John agree with the President's racist remarks, Ken?

Ken Dahl: Well Barb, he is an absolute Mike Pence.
Look at how he is attached to Donald Trump's ass; he is a total Mike Pence.


Neil: Look at how he treats the other people's sexual choices!

Bob: I don't know why, because he fucks donkeys.

Swalla: What a Mike Pence!


Donald Trump has reversed protections for the LGBTQIA community showing his true Mike Pence colors.
by Lefty Wing Snowflake August 18, 2017
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1. noun, vulgar, slang /aSH'Shat/ - This term is a misspelling of asshat. When aashat is used the writer confirms him/her as the actual asshat. This is reverse to the correct spelling where the recipient is the individual being described.

2. common filler, noun, verb /ǝ'ǝ'SHat/ (Liberal Pronunciation: Uh, I Shat) - This definition of aashat is seen less since it is very complex in nature. This one word becomes three different types of words and types. This happens when an educated liberal uses facts and science to disprove a conservative's views. When this happens the conservative is so astounded by a smart person he/she experiences fecal incontinence, and yells "aashat" ( uh..... i... shat).

origin circa 2017: This term originated, from an inbred species of Homo-sapiens which dedicates it's life in support of Donald J Trump, as an attempt to disparage a recipient. In 100% of the cases seen, the recipient is many times more intelligent than the writer which infuriates him/her making possible the misspelling of a simple term. It is also very important to point out all users of aashat are conservative politically, and believe anything they hear.
Donald:You stupid libtard, Barry . You are an aashat!

Barry: Ah, I see you are the actual {asshat, Donald.
Donald: Oh darn, I guess I shouldn't have dropped out of school at 5 years old.
by Lefty Wing Snowflake June 14, 2017
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trumpery ˈtrʌmp(ə)ri

noun (pl. trumperies)
practices or beliefs that are superficially or visually appealing but have little real value or worth. he exposed their ideals as trumpery. theatrical trumpery. as modifier : that trumpery hope which lets us dupe ourselves.

showy but worthless: trumpery jewellery.
delusive or shallow: that trumpery hope which lets us dupe ourselves.

cite: author: Stephen Fry, anti-Trump extraordinaire.
He exposed their ideals as trumpery.
That trumpery hope which lets us dupe ourselves.
by Lefty Wing Snowflake November 28, 2017
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