3 definitions by Leafmonkey

The type of girl you think is the one for you untill she dumps you after 2 weeks and goes out with another guy just to get money to buy jewels BASIC WHITE GIRL!!!!GOLD DIGGGGGGEEERRR BASSSIIICCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"There goes Abbie dating half the guys in the school again"
by Leafmonkey October 14, 2018
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Is always chasing a white girls he doesn't care of they are fat or skinny rich or pour and will break up with a latina for a white chick and lies about paying you your money back and doesn't pay you back untill he's dead
"There goes Cesar again with another white chick!"
by Leafmonkey October 14, 2018
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Guy:"Damn that girl looks hot!!"
Tyler:*turns around*
Guy:"Oh shit that's a guy!!"
by Leafmonkey October 14, 2018
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