2 definitions by Laughingstock

City located in Dane County in the state of Wisconsin. Was named the #1 Small City to live in America by Money Magazine. Was named #1 Whitest School in America by those on the south, north, east, and west side of Madison, WI. Hey, at least we don't got STDS like Verona, WI!
"Middleton has no black people. OH, wait, there's one.."

"Darling, that's a MEX-i-Can..."
by Laughingstock January 21, 2009
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Green: To not have kissed anyone, like a virgin, but for your mouth // South Africanism, used mostly by teens .
Adj. to get degreened is to be kissed.
Amy: Yo Kayleigh, are you still green?
Kayleigh: Yeah bro, I need to be degreened soon.
Kayleigh: Stfu Amy
by Laughingstock April 2, 2018
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