4 definitions by LastTryPseudonym

The fourth, and final, stage of a white guy's life which, if arrived at in an average fashion, provides for a comfortable resting period before becoming a dead white guy.
Yeah, that mother fucker there got it pretty good.

Yup, he's an old white guy.
by LastTryPseudonym April 22, 2019
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Like 8chan, but only half as fucked up.
Wow, 8chan is really fucked up. Do you know something less fucked up?

Yes, 4chan, it's half as fucked up as 8chan.

Thank you.
by LastTryPseudonym April 22, 2019
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Where Democracy has been led to die.
Hey man, do you feel like we are getting fucked out of our democracy?

Yes, the Republican party is committed to seeing it die.

Wow, that sucks. What can I do to stop that from happening?

Vote motherfucker.
by LastTryPseudonym April 22, 2019
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Like 4chan, but twice as fucked up.
Do you know anything more fucked up than 4chan?

Yes, 8chan, it's twice as fucked up.

Thank you.
by LastTryPseudonym April 21, 2019
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