3 definitions by Lama_anda

Something bigger then all of us, men will say it is what women live for, but men are just as bad most times.....over reacting to something that is not a big problem.
"god mindy is such a drama queen"
if you use that most likely you are a big part of the drama.....love it,....oh you know you do!
by Lama_anda March 11, 2009
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A name given to very unique, funny, talented, amazing people.

In some cases you can use it as a substitute for a head case, crazy lady who throws cats at passer-bys..
"I wish I were more like Lamanda.."

"watch out for that LAMANDA around the corner."
by Lama_anda March 6, 2009
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A person who is to messed up to be a tard or a tard and a half....they are a 2tard....mostly funny to have a conversation with and point and laugh at.
bob- "look at that 2tard!"
jim-"what is a 2tard?"
bob-"It's that guy who is ductaped to the lamp post over there talking to his left shoe."
by Lama_anda March 6, 2009
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