2 definitions by Kyro---

A hellspawn of a toy from the 80's that is notorious for making demonic noises in the middle of the night even when the batteries have been removed.
Person 1: dude you look like shit, are you ok?
Person 2: I didn't get any sleep last night.
Person 1: how come?
Person 2: the demon known as Coco the Furby has reawakened from his 16 year slumber.
by Kyro--- March 13, 2022
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An interdimensional being that can devour planets and has the ability to control time and space.
Person 1: hey looks, there's the moon!
Person 2: ooo it's so pretty!
Person 1: oh fuck Will Smith just ate it.
by Kyro--- March 13, 2022
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