3 definitions by Kyro Shingami

- The state of something being the same, or having the same value

- Having the same value in measurement

- Having or showing no differences
Five is equal to five.

That boxes height is equal to this tv's height.

These two circles look equal.
by Kyro Shingami October 30, 2004
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Some men came over to watch the football game.
by Kyro Shingami October 30, 2004
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Also known as I.Link, and Firewire, it is a method of connecting to the computer by cable. External objects can use a 1394 connection to access the computer, objects such as digital cameras, and external harddrives sometimes use a 1394 connection.
My external harddrive uses FireWire.
by Kyro Shingami October 17, 2004
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