6 definitions by KroSS

nuts on your chin

it actually means she is sucking you deep throat. otherwise she wouldn't actually have your nuts on her chin.
sista if u suck on my dick i'll put my nuts on your chin
by KroSS October 8, 2004
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garbage man

individual(s) who pick up your trash. If left out on a certain day each week.
Hey don't forget to put out the garbage for the garbage man.
by KroSS November 16, 2004
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donut bumpin'

plain and simple: when two chicks rub their pussies together by straddling one another. very pleasureable.
I know Mindy and Angela were donut bumpin' that bed was soaked.
by KroSS September 23, 2004
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a machine used to get a woman off. Usually has a dildo on the end of it.
I knew becky was a freak when I saw her sex machine.
by KroSS October 8, 2004
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sex pool

where an orgy is held, my friend alex made it up. We were at an orgy and he said there is a complete sex pool in the master bedroom.
Jamie: Hey roscoe my parents are out of town lets call some people up and make this place a sex pool.
by KroSS September 15, 2004
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Angelina Jolie

A bad girl gone good. She cares about people. She is someone we should all try to emulate.
I'm glad she's so kind
by KroSS October 4, 2004
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