2 definitions by King Kong Jr.

A word used to describe a person with uncharacteristically apish features/attributes...sometimes reserved for people successful in hunter/gatherer endeavors.
Man that bitch stole the Simeon's V-Card over the summer.


The Simeon blew his hot steamy load over the fresh box of imported Chiquita bananas.
by King Kong Jr. October 23, 2007
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A word used to describe a person with unusually apish characteristics/attributes (long forearms, calloused knuckles, awkward loitering around other people's conversations).

Also, used to describe a person who excels at hunter/gatherer endeavors (direct procurement of edible plants and animals form the wild, foraging and hunting).
Man that bitch stole the Simian's V-Card over the summer.


The Simian blew his hot steamy load over the crate of freshly imported Chiquita bananas.
by King Kong Jr. October 23, 2007
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