18 definitions by KhaleesiofRivia

A food loving individual who has no professional culinary training and/or knowledge.

Someone who has a large excitement for food & tries to make a recipe whilst getting tips from cheffy friends.

Originated and used by British YouTube Stars, Celebrity Chefs & fellow members of SORTEDfood.
1.) “We are SORTED, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. We’ve got chefs, we’ve got normals and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you.”

2.) “Before the guys can cook they must select a chef for food quality control and A Normal for personality control.”
by KhaleesiofRivia March 31, 2021
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A larger than normal portion of food - usually including chorizo and/or bacon.

Used heavily by Jamie Spafford and other YouTube Stars of SORTEDFOOD
“That’s a lot of food... she/he seems to be going for Spaff portions
by KhaleesiofRivia March 7, 2021
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An easily unimpressed chef with a flawless palate, able to tell you the ingredient in an item with a single taste.

A lover of things that do what they say they do... every other product can “get out of here!”

Notoriously bad at using chopsticks and opening boiled eggs. Tells it like it is; will tell you their impressions of anything and everything without any concerns - straight to the point and sassy.

Originated and used by British YouTube Stars, Celebrity Chefs & fellow members of SORTEDfood.
BEN: “James, would you be able to identify the powder in front of you?”
JAMES: “It’s turmeric.”
BEN: “Anything else you can get?”
JAMES: “Ginger and Cinnamon”
BEN: “3 out of 3”

JAMES: “What’s nostalgic about this? A cucumber sandwich... Did you used to eat a lot of cucumber sandwiches as a child? Because I’m pretty sure I’d of thrown this at you...and I’m still tempted to do that, in all fairness.”

Ahh- very judgy Judgmental James today! 😂
by KhaleesiofRivia April 5, 2021
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To bluntly shut down a proposed idea or incorrect query via a pause and simple "No". Often to the specific embarrassment of the subject.

Originated and used by British YouTube Stars & fellow members of SORTEDfood.
"Don't you cook to 165° C to make honeycomb?"
"... no."
“Well, that was a Lanlard...thanks mate”

"He just asked if that was the right peeler to zest an orange."
"Oof, he just ABSOLUTELY Lanlarded him!"
by KhaleesiofRivia March 24, 2021
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