4 definitions by KSense

A young man who is attracted to an older woman or women, no doubt intrigued by the passion and experience that only a cougar can offer.
Well known in the local community for being a cougar, she was on the prowl scouting for cubs (cub scouting) for a new baby boy that might fit the bill.

by KSense January 27, 2009
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When during sexual intercoure, a man (usually a white man) pokes his penis through the hole in his boxers rather than taking them off.
She was too impatient for the full monty so she took IT pig in a blanket.
by KSense January 27, 2009
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A way of describing messy hair; Someone that would be wearing sweat pants, who in some way, shape, or form is considered gross and should not be allowed to leave the house, usually a pot head.

When he tried to go to school un-showered with sweatpants head, his mother came to the conclusion he must be smoking pot.

by KSense January 27, 2009
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When a person (usually a woman) uses guilt, power, or knowledge of certain secrecy, to force another person into having sex or performing sexual favors.

Knowing of his previous acts of adultery, his portly cousin saw it as an opportunity to use sextortion to gain some sexual pleasures of her own.

by KSense January 27, 2009
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