3 definitions by K-Mezz LIGHTNING

(n) word used to define an area of the body that was affected by something and you don't know what the medical term is.
OW! Darn baseball hit me right in the squiggleyspooch!
by K-Mezz LIGHTNING October 4, 2006
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(n.) Calices on the hand, specifically created by nights of lonely male masturbation.
Two dudes shake hands

Dude 1 says, "Holy shit!"

Dude 2 sighs and says "Self help welts."
by K-Mezz LIGHTNING October 4, 2006
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(adj.) Suprisingly ownt be something obnoxious and unordinary.
Dude 1:Dude, I was setting a high score in this new online video game, when all of a sudden a rabbit came out of nowhere and jumped on my power button!

Dude2: WTF Ownt!
by K-Mezz LIGHTNING October 4, 2006
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