4 definitions by K Pittman

short for Protoss Arbiter from the PC game, StarCraft. The flying vessels provide invisibility to surrounding friendly units. They can stasis units to protect them from any and all damage, and can use recall to teleoprt units anywhere on the map.
Holy crap dude, that Arb just recalled 8 Reavers into my minerals.
by K Pittman September 3, 2005
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shorthand for a Zerg Sunken Colony structure in the PC game, StarCraft.

they shoot out tentacles from underground and impale opposing ground forces.
I tried to rush the Zerg with my lings, but the sunken raped them.
by K Pittman September 3, 2005
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- Hey, did you see that guy's shlick car?
- Yeah, man, it was so freakin shlick!
by K Pittman September 2, 2005
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a nick-name for the Protoss Dragoon found in the PC game, StarCraft. It was coined by the dragoon's aerial symetrical appearance looking somewhat like a butterfly.
My lings just ate a group of butterfly men.
by K Pittman September 3, 2005
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