4 definitions by K!NG KHANH

Like a hooker..only smarter.
Guy 1: "Man I'm broke!"

Guy 2: "Why?"

Guy 1: "I've been out buying my girl all this stuff."

Guy 2: " Man yo girl is a gold digger."
by K!NG KHANH June 29, 2007
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An annoying person who everyone hates but they still follow you and think their your friend.

Someone who buts into your conversations and starts laughing like you told a joke.
Jim: "That was so funny last night."

Ted: "I know!"

Person: "Hahahaha! That was funny!"

Jim: "Ted we just got Manfreded!"
by K!NG KHANH June 22, 2007
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The area where you have no signal on your wireless device whatsoever and you can't send or recieve anything.
" I was having a really important buisness call with my boss yesterday until I hit a dead spot and lost it."
by K!NG KHANH June 27, 2007
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