4 definitions by Justincaseonfb

B. N. E.

So when are you my friend are chilling in the motel room tonight and he gets a hard on., You know me, I'm going to b. n. e.
by Justincaseonfb September 7, 2020
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B. N. E.

So when are you my friend are chilling in the motel room tonight and he gets I'm hard on., You know me, I'm going to b. n. e.
by Justincaseonfb September 7, 2020
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B. N. E.

So when are you my friend are chilling in the motel room tonight and he gets I'm hard on., You know me, I'm going to b. n. e.
by Justincaseonfb September 7, 2020
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Your D__ S___?
It's an acronym. When used in this context the person is orally asking you if you would like to receive pleasure.
I received a DM for a fun looking girl that simply said, "YDS?"
by Justincaseonfb July 17, 2020
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