11 definitions by Jonny Random

Name tag for the state in which the conceptual process separating experience into different bodies is extinguished. Viewpoint in which the usual plural differentiation between such things as here and there and self and other and mind and body and observer and observed has ceased to exist. State called oneness which is such that, for example, the sense organ which hears and that which is heard are no longer experienced as two seperate things.

I do not recommend doing drugs to facilitate this experience as even if you do the state will be temporary alongside the effects of the drugs, but the associated damage done and your confused state might be prolonged. Harmlessness amidst a normal experience is a better motivator than the rush for a superior experience.
I think therefore I am not one of enlightenment.
I see it therefore I am not yet one of enlightenment.
I experience it therefore I am not yet one of enlightenment.
My mind projects an invisible shell around me which seperates me from my environment therefore I cannot, as much as I would wish it, be yet enlightened.
Your experience is a puppet and you only are always pulling the strings.
by Jonny Random September 17, 2007
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Umbrella term for non-specific belief system held by people who like to re-interpret their intellectual undernourishment as meaning they are instead party to some special secret or higher knowledge, moral outlook, belief system or behaviour than other people en masse. Often found positioned very close in the psyche of such holders close to other faintly grasped terms like "enlightenment", "awareness", "ignorance", "confusion", "awakened" and "delusion" what makes such people so maddening is their collective conviction that they posses all these attributes in abundance, whilst in practice displaying considerably less of each than the self-same people they claim these qualities make them superior than.
So, what is your position on the Christians versus atheists debate?
Oh, I believe in spirituality
by Jonny Random June 30, 2011
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Extremely annoying word computer nerds use to describe things software does by itself and with no exception would be far better replaced with the word 'automatically'.
The system will automagically create the next user id number for you.
by Jonny Random December 9, 2007
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Correction of my own entry below:

Pointless and pretentious word used to add no meaning at all to normal english sentences pertaining to the kind of automated proceedure computers were designed to do right from the very beginning of their invention. Almost every sentence in which this word appears can be improved upon by removing it.
"Sign in check-box automagically for 2 weeks", from bebo's sign in page.
"Palette Generator: Automagically create a harmonious color palette from a photograph", from Big Huge Labs page.
by Jonny Random February 13, 2008
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