12 definitions by Johnny / -the Random Prophet

A younger person having respect for an older person that might know more than they do simply by the realization that the older person has been on the planet longer than they have. ... Keep up with me kiddies... Respect for your elders. 'nuff said.
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1. (Verb) Having sex with someone that is unconscious..... doing a Kami-Kozby

2. (Noun) A drink. A predatory drink. A very potent knockout drink. Potent beyond potent... except not lethal. Similar to the mixed drink, the 'Kamikaze', but 10 times the strength. A Kami-Kozby mixed properly; the victim will pass out, become groggy and lifeless and renders them totally vulnerable. The victim should, or will have no memory or recollection of what took place while under the influence of a Kami-Kozby.
3. (verb/adjective) Career suicide.
1. " He must have done a Kami-Kozby on her."
2. " I'll order her a Kami-Kozby and I'll do whatever I want for the rest of the evening."
3 He did a Kami-Kozby to his career."
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet December 28, 2018
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Fruittigieg (Froot-edge-edge) Noun: A Politician that furthers his career based on sexual preference or sexual orientation. Also the name for the tactic using that same plank in his platform to get an edge on the opponent. A fruittigieg. ie: A Presidential candidate that campaigns on sexual orientation using it as a platform to bolster votes... or describes the action itself.
His political platform is based on his sexual orientation. Who needs to know that? People don't base your Presidential performance on your sexual preference. ... WHAT A FRUITTIGIEG !!! He's trying to get a fruittigieg on his opponents.
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet February 1, 2020
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When smoking marijuana aka weed, ganja it's a particular bud that seems to make everything funny. A funny bud is the bud in the batch that makes you laugh uncontrollably. It doesn't matter what you do, or what is said, everything is funny.
''Hey, Man. that must have been the funnybud we smoked.'' . . and then uncontrollable laughter. . . Hell, I'm tryin' not to laugh right now.
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SYB-IL-RAL : (sib-il-ruhl) {N} A person possessing multiple conflicting and contradicting ideologies and beliefs in the same person, and within the same group and political party. 'Sybilrals' are liberals that agree on everything if they like it; yet argue with everything they don't like or disagree with.. and that is subject to change at anytime if it is gonna benefit them or their schizophrenic everchanging, hostile, disruptive agenda. Any people the Democratic party can manage to recruit cannot be civilized, but 'sybilized'. See 'Sybilization'
The Democratic Party should be called the 'Sybilral' party. Bernie Sanders and radical Socialism have nothing in common with a Democratic Party Democracy if that is, in fact, what the party really wants to represent. Only a 'Sybilral'

or a 'Sybilral' party can have multiple conflicts within oneself.
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet February 28, 2020
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