2 definitions by Joanna and Sami

1.) Tiny, bald, pink, baby birds. Word used to describe the unique degree of ugliness that only a baby bird can achieve.

2.) A woman who, when speaking, sounds like the annoying squeaking of a baby bird.
Guy 1: Man, that new born jo-bird is so ugly, it's making my eyes bleed!

Guy 2: Yeah, and this dumbass brunette jo-bird is making my EARS bleed, dawg!
by Joanna and Sami December 12, 2007
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When it's so dang cold your johnson freezes off.
Guy 1: Holmes, it is gettin' COLDILOCKS out here, dawg!
Guy 2: Fo' shizzle, G. Mah coldicock is gettin' COLDILOCKS.
by Joanna and Sami December 12, 2007
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