9 definitions by Jimwade

Dried nuggets of poo that are attached to the bum hair around your anus. Also known as dangleberries.
-Dude, can I borrow your comb.
-Sure, here you go.

10 mins later

-Thanks man, I had a couple of real persistent grufflenuts that I couldn't get out without a comb.
-No worries. You dick.
by Jimwade December 3, 2009
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Commentator one: "World cup final, sudden death penalty shoot out, if he misses this, it's all over. And look at this, he's just put on a blindfold."
Commentator two: "Flambitious."
by Jimwade July 11, 2008
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when you visit the popular website you tube. after looking at one video, you get distracted into watching an interesting looking video in the 'related videos' section. Another distraction follows, and another, and so on and so on, until you discover that you has spent a surprising amount of time, and are now watching something totally unrelated to what you went on there for.
Example 1: i've got about ten minutes to kill, so i think i'll hop on the you tube train and see where it takes me.

Example 2: you'd never believe where the you tube train just took me. i went on to do my favourite old search of 'fat kid falls', and i ended up watching a video of a dog dancing on it's hind legs to the james bond theme music. what an awesome world we live in.
by Jimwade December 16, 2009
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An accident caused by someone being distracted. The distraction is usually an incredibly hot chick. Happens frequently when driving and you do not notice the traffic has stopped in front of you because you are too busy staring at some beautiful peice of ass. Not limited to driving situations.
1. Wow, look at those legs. She should not be walking by the side of the road - that is a distraccident waiting to happen.

2. Barman 1: Oi you fartknocker, you just poured beer all over my leg cause you weren't looking.
Barman 2: sorry mate, it was a distraccident. Look at that hottie leaning on the arcade machine.
Barman 1: fair play.
by Jimwade December 2, 2009
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Similar to the popular children's game 'buckaroo', where you take turns to add small loads onto a toy mule that eventually kicks everything off, at which point the person who was in the act of adding something loses. 'Drunkaroo' tends to happen at social functions where there is alcohol a-plenty. When one member of the party reaches the stage of passing out due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, they become the mule, and the rest of the assembled group get ready to play drunkaroo. Turns are taken at placing things on the mule like coats, bags, full pint glasses, furniture, etc, until at some point (s)he comes to, throws everything off in an angry drunken sulk, and then more often than not rolls over and passes out again, at which point you can play the next round. Happy days.
Sweet, Ellie has passes out again, lets play drunkaroo.


me: we've been playing drunkaroo with bryan for about an hour, and there's nothing left in the house to put on top of him.
mikey: nothing that is, apart from the sofa.
by Jimwade June 13, 2010
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What's pink and taps on the window?

a baby in a dingbox.
by Jimwade January 24, 2010
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im not eating the banana pubes, get them off
by Jimwade April 29, 2011
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