8 definitions by Jim-Bob


by Jim-Bob July 2, 2004
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Dirty Brown Stuff

Cannabis Resin. Looks like shit, Tastes like shit, but gets you Browned/stoned.
Jim: I've got an ounce of the dirty brown stuff.
Bob: Man!!! I've told you to buy weed.
Jim: But this stuff is a cheap shitty alternative.
by Jim-Bob April 9, 2003
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Beavers Dam

When feeding the beavers, a wall of logs is built, trapping all the water inside the dam.
(To block the toilet with an abnormal sized turd)
Jim: Hey Bob!!! Do you have a plunger? Theres a beavers dam up here!!
by Jim-Bob April 9, 2003
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by Jim-Bob February 14, 2004
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1) Someone who won't leave you the fuck alone until you give them something for free.

2)A hobo who bugs someone for change
1)That hobo's a damn moocher.

2)If that moocher doesn't leave me alone, I'm going to kick his ass
by Jim-Bob May 3, 2003
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A Stupid scottish person.
Scrotum + Scottish = Scrottish!

i.e. Ricky Dykes
Ricky Dykes: Och!! Ah cannae op'n nae Whuskeeee!!! Fook!

(translation. Oh dear!! I can not open my Whiskey bottle!!! Gosh darn it!

Alex: I can't understand your Scrottish accent!!!
by Jim-Bob April 9, 2003
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feed the beavers

To drop a log in the pan.
To shit in the toilet.
Jim: Wheres the toilet? I really need to feed the beavers!!
by Jim-Bob April 9, 2003
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