30 definitions by Jim Bob

the sharing of a lung between two persons; no air space
Do they ever spend time apart? They are sooooo katthew.
by Jim Bob February 17, 2003
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A computer program that causes your modem to dial a number to a computer server. This is meant to allow the caller to access/download files from the server.

Almost all dialers are for pornography. They may claim to be free, but always go to long-distance telephone numbers. These numbers are usually equivalent to 1-900 numbers in the U.S. (the numbers vary from county to country). The caller can end up paying a ridiculous amount of money in phone bills.
After using a dialer to download movies of Traci Lords, Jim Bob was shocked to find out his phone bill was $8,000.
by Jim Bob June 29, 2004
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adj.: being in an obese state, fat, or Ryan Chan from San Francisco
"Man, that dude is HELLA donut!!"
by Jim Bob June 21, 2004
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A word that distinguishes a potent, well tasting type of weed (Krypto) with a more less potent type of weed (Regs)
Fuck that, i dont smoke that wood
by Jim Bob April 16, 2005
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This is a common slong term for an STD
man i got a wicked crotch goblin from this nasty skank
by Jim Bob November 4, 2004
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JPG a street gang with lots of rep and respect, they tough, the ball, they real OGs. They rival the wimpy RRAW pansies gang. RRAW is weak and stupid are a bunch of wankstas.
by Jim Bob January 31, 2005
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Australian term related to "you beauty" or "you little ripper." Used when cheering on a horse of greyhound in a race, particularly if one has a wager on the race. Popularised during the Sydney Olympics on the Channel Seven TV show "The Dream" by Roy and HG
by Jim Bob March 1, 2005
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