36 definitions by Jill

Crawling on the ground with a beer in your hand too drunk to walk and too drunk to talk.
"...*mumbles*...fuck im buggard"
by Jill April 12, 2005
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When you are doing a girl, you know doggie style, when you are about to cum you spit on her back, she thinks you came on her, she turns to show affection then you shoot your load on her face.
my slut did not like the dirty sanchez so I washed it off with a hot tamale!
by Jill February 15, 2005
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Adam Smith's economic theory that everyone is motivated by self interest, and the "invisible hand" stabilizes the economy
The invisible hand moves every day to stabilize the economy
by Jill June 7, 2004
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A slang term used in means of greeting.
by Jill September 13, 2003
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to be high,gone,or relly stoned after lighting up!
man i am so fuckin blazed right now
by Jill January 27, 2005
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person who laughs at everythioong and will probably laugh as im typing this!
that bitty is so annoying she laughs whe old people fall!
by Jill January 30, 2004
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