129 definitions by Jesse

Something that is lame, uncool, stupid, or otherwise unworthy of further consideration.
"Man, that is so Amish that Susie dumped Jane! I wanted to get together with both of them!"
by Jesse October 16, 2004
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A mysterious typo which has a hidden meaning. Not even it's owner can fully understand it.
by Jesse August 27, 2003
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I ride bmx. i love it more than my girlfriend.
by Jesse June 20, 2003
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When the passenger, upon entering an automobile, pulls the door handle at the same time the driver presses the "unlock" button. This creates a state of limbo where the driver thinks the door is unlocked, but the passenger cannot enter the vehichle. Until the driver presses the unlock button again (without the passenger's interference), the two said parties are stuck in a state of confusion, resulting in roadytart.
Charles popped the door handle twice - a signal that we were engaged in roadytart.
by Jesse March 16, 2005
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A green plastic shot glass used to drink vodka
Gimme a swig of cactuar!

by Jesse July 27, 2003
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The most over rated band of all time.

The main stream's version of good music.

However, a fairly good band.
OMG Radiohead is the BEST BAND EVER!!! OF ALL TIME!!!!

too mad to go on
by Jesse July 31, 2004
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