4 definitions by Jess the P1rate

What happens to you if you fall overboard while on a boat in shark-infested waters.
"If you fall overboard, you will B8."
by Jess the P1rate August 29, 2009
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The practice of keeping extremely quiet during sexual activity (either with a partner or alone), particularly during orgasm, due to the close proximity of one's roommate(s).
Because my roommates in the room next door were in, I had to keep the volume at dormgasm-level so as not to disturb them with my hot sex.
by Jess the P1rate January 3, 2007
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The TSO concert was freaking awesome, but the lasers gave me a seizure.
by Jess the P1rate December 31, 2005
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Norwegian for 'man overboard.'
When you're on a boat and someone yells 'BINGO,' you had better alert the authorities.
by Jess the P1rate July 3, 2006
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