2 definitions by Jesees

Harriet is a common girls name in Britain, Often pronounced Arriet by French people and nicknamed Chariot or Kermit by some. She usually carries a black handbag which she gets very mad if someone touches.
She is usually a horse girl, Most having a horse named Tulla or Tom. She enjoys airdropping photos and memes to people in hallways and public places and often tries to square up with people in the streets.
Be wary of what Harriet is wearing when she’s around, Blazers tend to give her an attitude.
Person 1: Omg it’s Harriet
Person 2: Chariot! Oh no she’s got a blazer on, Better watch out…
by Jesees March 7, 2022
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Aleisha is a rather rare girls name, Aleisha is usually tall and enjoys making fun of incels. She normally likes anime and art and is quite funny. Most Aleishas have a taste for raw pasta and a knack for impersonating her idols.
In Britain most Aleishas are roadmen, Often found with the mandem while singing along to Brixton Bullies and doing gang signs.
Person 1: Aye, You seen Aleisha anywhere?
Person 2: I think I saw her with the mandem, Better watch out cause she’ll shank you up for disrupting her singing
by Jesees March 3, 2022
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