3 definitions by Jennay

Pronounced Marg-en; This word, simular to Meh is another way to say "dont care" "bothered" and to solve awkward silences, also can be used as a question... Margon?
N says: So, erm...
(Awkward Silence)
J says: Margon?
N says: Yea!
by Jennay November 28, 2007
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The act of pooping while scrolling through facebook on your phone.
Anthony used the office bathroom frequently to get some turdbookin done.
by Jennay September 17, 2018
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There is an Ipswich in England, Australia and America.
Ile define the closest one to me;
Ipswich - A larger town in the central area of Suffolk, England. A nice town with a great reputation and is continuingly becoming a better community.
With nice views like the Orwel Bridge and nice country side and a great town.
Ipswich is a lovely town in England!
by Jennay November 28, 2007
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