4 definitions by Jeen

Loving...adorable....handsome and beautiful young man....FOR SURE.... one of a kind.
by Jeen February 3, 2010
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Usually has one defining feature about him e.i. Hight, hair, intelligence ect.
Also usually is very good in sexual activities.
Person 1: OMG look at him, he’s an absolute Vojta.

Person 2: Yeah, but have you been in bed with him, he’s a beast.
by Jeen October 1, 2018
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A tall guy that seems fine on the inside but is dead on the inside. Gets board easily, loves jokes and has a super big schlong which he know how to use in sexual activities
Person 1:OMG look at him he’s so funny he has to be a Vojta!

Person 2:AND he’s a beast in bed too.
by Jeen October 2, 2018
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