5 definitions by Jeebus Almighty

Planet Piss is the side project of DethKlok's bass player, Wiliam Muderface (from the cartoon netwrok Adult Swim TV show "Metalocalypse".)
In other news, William Murderface is taking time off to begin work on his side project Planet Piss.

by Jeebus Almighty February 13, 2008
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Facebones is the loveable skull that is seen often in the TV show Metalocalypse. The band Dethklok sometimes uses him as a video tour guide for people touring their home at Mordhaus. He has also been known to introduce their performances.
Facebones says, our snipers are armed with 50 caliber sniper rifles and will shoot you on sight if you leave the tour group.
by Jeebus Almighty February 13, 2008
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Pronounced "Beehop". This is an acronym used by military people to label the person with the "Biggest Head On Post". Typical head sizes are between 6 and 7.5 inches. Every now and then someone comes along with a pumpkin-esque 8.5 or 9 incher.
"Private Jenkins has earned the title of B-HOP for his ungodly large head. That fuckin thing is gonna be a liabilty."
by Jeebus Almighty February 13, 2008
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There is no theory of evolution, only species Chuck Norris allows to live.
"The Dodo bird ceased to exist when one shit on Chuck Norris."
by Jeebus Almighty February 13, 2008
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When you tell your pregnant girlfriend to go have that abortion because you're not ready to be a dad.
Babe, let me be your immoral support. Should we really suffer for the next 18 years because Trojan can't make a break-free condom?
by Jeebus Almighty February 13, 2008
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