3 definitions by JazzAMoMoney

The hip-hop variant of Charles/Chas.
The kind o' brotha who rolls easy, ain't cheesy or sleasy, and is one happ'nin' dude.
Chas-a-mo (Money):

Here comes Chas-a-mo,
The bro wit da flow,
Mah man is in da know,
Livin' large on tha go
by JazzAMoMoney July 8, 2011
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The name of great men. There have been 10 French kings, 2 British kings, and 1 Swedish king named 'Charles.'

Comes from the German word meaning 'free man'. Generally, a man who is suave, sophisticated, charming, literate, and makes friends easily. Typically intelligent, and always ingratiating, Charles's are everyone's friend.
I wish I could be like Charles. He is always a very popular kinda guy. Reminds me of James Bond.
by JazzAMoMoney July 8, 2011
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1. (n) Confer with wink number 1

2. (n) Confer with wink Number 10
Also ‘winkie

3. (v) A term used with disdain, usually used by African Americans of another African American who’s hustling on the street with a shady gig; trying to get over with a hustle.
2. "Dude seems to think he gonna get the women by flashing his winkie."

3. "Tryna wink a nigga …"
by JazzAMoMoney December 3, 2010
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