4 definitions by JamesCharlesBootyCheeks

It is a genre of music that is usually played using brass, woodwind instruments, and piano.
by JamesCharlesBootyCheeks October 19, 2020
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An immortal that will never die and will rule England forever. She is currently 94 but will probably live till 1000.
Queen Elizabeth II has been alive for so long, I don't think she will ever die.
by JamesCharlesBootyCheeks June 2, 2020
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This is the best group in the world and only the great get to join. This group is runned by the one and only FlightReacts. He is the best YouTuber in the world and made the best group EVER.
FTC is the best group in the world no cap.
by JamesCharlesBootyCheeks June 2, 2020
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