4 definitions by James K

The state of a woman's vaginia when it begins to look, smell, and feel like week old nacho cheese. Usually developed by going weeks without showering, sleeping with many random people, and sticking unusual objects up the twat.
That fucking slut has some real bad cheesy twat going on!
by James K February 13, 2004
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A type of poo that smells REALLY bad and is kinda long and thin.. usually a darker brownish color.. close to black
James: What the f@#$ did u do in there?
Steve: I like to call it a Gussey!
by James K July 18, 2004
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The man was a diesmart
by James K November 26, 2014
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A californian's way of saying hey or whats up
Dude 1: Sa dude!!!
Dude 2: Hey bro!
by James K June 11, 2016
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