4 definitions by Jaden Gui: Village leader

JOSH LEE is a proud Gay person, his parents didn't support him, but he persisted. Everybody bullies him, but he just wants to be loved for who he is. He is scared of talking to girls, and he feels uncomfortable playing resident evil village, even though he completed it in 9 hours.
It's ok to be gay, just like Pride Month Josh Lee!!
Josh Lee is super gay, but his sister is really hot. Everybody wants to sleep with her, but Grayson already did. He is super rich, and uses his money to hire male strippers. He has an affair with his science teacher.
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Everybody wants to be inside her. Even he wanted to join in on the fun. Josh is gay, but his sister nearly changed that.
Josh Lee's Sister was in bed with Grayson
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He is the gayest man on earth he slept with men such as Grayson
Johnny Nona is gay. He had sex with garyson
by Jaden Gui: Village leader July 28, 2021
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