5 definitions by Jack Flasher

a polite term of phrase to indicate a ladies vagina
"Can I place my bulb in your nether garden"
by Jack Flasher June 27, 2005
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The smell on your finger when its been in the internal vacinity of a ladies nether garden.
"Have a sniff of my whiffy finger"
by Jack Flasher June 27, 2005
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"I've got my puds this week, and I'd promised Tam a ride. Thats our plans out the window"
by Jack Flasher June 27, 2005
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to define a reproduced product of inferior quality where the product is misrepresented as the real deal. Often sold on Ebay
I thought I was buying the Terminator Trilogy. What the hell is this ' Termanotor'. Its Bort Sampson all over again
by Jack Flasher June 27, 2005
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