2 definitions by JJ Smith

The term originated in the US (1860s) and refers to the members of the American branch/chapter of the Irish Republican Brotherhood founded in Ireland. For Irish-Americans, the term signifies respect, loyalty and love for ones heritage. It is the highest honor for an Irish-American to be referred to as a Fenian or a “Fenian Son”.
He’s no Plastic Paddy, he’s a real Fenian Son.
by JJ Smith February 8, 2008
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The term refers to male individuals born outside of Ireland who claim Irish heritage and proudly display stereo typical clothing and accessories while speaking naïvely or ignorantly about Ireland.
After removing his wool sweater and tweed scaly cap, Plastic Paddy displayed his shamrock tattoo and claddagh ring as he proceeds to say, “I’m a 100% Irish, my grandmother is from county Kilarney.”
by JJ Smith February 8, 2008
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