11 definitions by JD Ellis

The practice of History Revision. Revising history to fit the politically correct popular mandate, regardless of pesky historical facts.
Example: “Historyvisonism will show, the Jews in the ‘Concentration Camps’ actually died of diseases, not gassing!” Or... “According to historyvisonism, the Twin Towers were obviously imploded by the U.S. government, Al Qaeda had nothing to do with it!”
by JD Ellis February 16, 2008
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While making love, her husband comes home, the only way for him to hide is to clutch the ceiling fan, which works fine till her hubby flicks the switch, and his member winds up totally "fandangled."
"I'm tellin' ya, she saw him buck naked with that cute little gal! Hoo-doggies... is he gonna git fandangled when he gits home!"
by JD Ellis February 14, 2008
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1. Being unduly and unjustly imprisoned for political purposes.
2. Imprisonment for performance of your duty as an Officer of the Law.
Example: “So why are you in jail?” “That serial rapist I pulled off the little 8 year old girl in the park, filed assault charges against me!” “Dude, you realize you have been totally Ramos&Campioned here!”
by JD Ellis February 21, 2008
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When one becomes so excited one cannot contain oneself and bursts into an involuntary “happy dance” ala Snoopy's classic dance for his supper bowl.
Example:“You see them horses hopsydoodle into that pasture soon as you opened that gate!” or... A wife, upon rejoining her newlywed husband, following the consecration of their nuptials, and witnessing him doing an “end zone dance” in the kitchen (but unaware he had just seen his favorite team score on ESPN) remarks seductively, "Well... aren't we a little hopsydoodle this morning!"
by JD Ellis February 15, 2008
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