2 definitions by JBlock

Dickinbg is when you take your legs and make a figure 4 with your dick poking downwards through the 4 shape and then use that to stir someones coffee.
Mike: "Jesus, did someone get Folgers or is someone dickinbg the carafe?"
Jesus: ""Yes my son."
by JBlock August 16, 2016
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1. While smoking cannabis with friends, you mix in one bowl three or more different strains of that Chron-digga, Skunk, Purp, Shaboobalaboopy, that NauNudda or other. To attain the pinnacle in psychotropic stimulation.
Captain Keith-"Hey broski, you whippin' up a tasy salad over there?"

Lance Charles McClain-"No, I'm forming Boltron"

Captain Keith-"Safe"
by JBlock January 20, 2008
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