7 definitions by Imbored9876

this is a cry for help

I'm so tired of everything this is why I wrote this Is a cry for help please let me out of this basement I have been trapped for 10 years help.
This is a cry for help please help God please God please I have been hunting the rats for food help I have to drink my own pee help help help help help help help
by Imbored9876 September 25, 2023
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My dog who died in 2022, he was a chihuahua, he was black and yellow, I had him since I was a kid, I cried and cried the day he died, he was a great dog. I miss him, I hope he is in heaven with my grandpa I hope I will join them one day
by Imbored9876 September 30, 2023
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majima construction

The best construction company ever, and the man who created it? The best one eyed man in the world, maybe even the best man in the world, actually not just maybe, the best man in the world, his name is goro majima, he uses breaker style, slugger style, thug style, and the mad dog of Shimano style to fight thugs in the street
I got hired by majima construction last week, it's fucking awesome
by Imbored9876 March 11, 2024
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When you are on urban dictionary and bored so you start to type random words to see if anything pops up
Dude I was so bored so i did some charple
by Imbored9876 September 22, 2023
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Cod player

Apart of the floodgates of racism
Bro I am cod player level of racist
by Imbored9876 September 27, 2023
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The village idiot

Tommy from red dead redemption 2. The man was just trying to get the ruckus away from his bar and he got brain damage, but I mean Arthur is pretty cool so, it makes up for it
by Imbored9876 November 1, 2023
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I'm trapped

I have been trapped in this basement for 30 years, I'm dying, there are no more rats for me to kill. My body is eating itself I am writing for the hope someone sees this and gets me out of this basement I am dying
I'm trapped and I have been trying to get out for 15 years I am hoping and praying for God to let me out pray for me whoever sees this I am no longer able to drink my pee I am dying I ran out of food 5 days ago
by Imbored9876 September 27, 2023
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