3 definitions by I speak the truth 💗

Adarna is a caring, beautiful and thoughtful girl. She is an amazing friend and will give you her last. Everyone around her loves her. She has a funny side and can make absolutely anyone laugh. She’s creative and passionate about the things and people she loves
I love Adarna, she’s the best
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A strong, sexy, independent person who is clever, strong willed and not afraid to cut a bitch out of their life. Don’t mess with this one, they’ll snap that bullshit in half. However they also have a caring and loving side once they start to trust you. Second chances are only given sparingly so once you hurt this person you are out of their lives forever
Santia is the strongest and kindest person I know
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This is a girl who is beautiful in every way! She always tries her best to help other people and her intentions are always pure. She’s very down to earth and doesn’t take herself seriously. She easily falls in love but usually feels like this is not always shown back. She is kind but fierce when she needs to be and she would pick personality and intelligence over looks any day. She is also the best friend anyone could ever have because she loves so hard and it takes a lot for her to fall out with you. She has been through a lot but has always prevailed and because of what she has experienced, she knows how to empathise.
Santia is a really good friend to me...
by I speak the truth 💗 October 5, 2019
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