511 definitions by I Saw U2 Live Twice

In America and most of the world, "pissed" is a vulgar term denoting anger and frustration. Sometimes the word is followed by "off" to mean the same thing. In Great Britain and Ireland the word "pissed" means "drunk" or "intoxicated" and is generally not considered vulgar.
When I saw the Beatles Anthology miniseries on TV, occasionally the Beatles and/or other people would say a swear word and it would be bleeped, because this program was broadcast on network TV (on ABC, in the spirit of the Anthology the network hyped itself as "Ay-Beatle-Cee". Uh-huh.). George Harrison was talking about the group being on the Magical Mystery bus travelling to promote the "Magical Mystery Tour". Pub patrons would stand outside and wave at the Fab Four, George said that they were "pissed". That word was not bleeped out. Knowing that people outside the UK and Ireland would be watching this program, George explained the term's definition by stating, "Oh. Getting pissed is the same as getting plastered".
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 10, 2007
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basically, it's a phrase used as an interjection when the radio station or club DJ is playing some trash. The phrase is used frequently by Morrisey on the 1986 Smiths hit "Panic" where he exhorts that the disco be burned down and the "blessed DJ" by hung up "because the music that they constantly play / it says nothing to me about my life". Considering that's true today, it ain't such a bad idea at all.
Johnny: Hey Joe! They're playing Britney Spears on the radio!

Joey: Hang the DJ!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 23, 2007
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a term used by right wing wing nut extremists to mean Zionist Organized Government. These Loony Tunes types think that Jews control the government (yeah, right!) and the economy as well. Well lets face it. The economic situation has been in horrible shape for quite some time now. Even if Jews did run the economy then why would they "create the recession" as the neo-Nazi types and people with similar persuasions say? In a recession nobody wins.
1. in the fucking PC 90s several wing nut militias stepped into the limelight. Some of them committed acts of terror. Some of them yahoos used the Branch Davidian case as an excuse. Then there was Tim McVeigh. Most, if not all of these troublemakers express hatred toward certain groups, especially Jews. They claimed that America is gone, that's it's run by some "Jew-Communist-Whatever" conspiracy cartel, or simply the "ZOG'. I saw one picture of some cretin bunch holding a standoff in Montana. One jerk wore a T-shirt that said "Down With The ZOG". What an ignorant shit head.

2. Now the militia scum are popping off the chops about how Barack Obama is a Muslim - no wait!, a Commie, no! A terrorist! Oh WTF! Are we going to have to hear this ZOG/Communist/Socialist/ psychobabble shit from these pin heads again? This shit has got to quit. There's too much going on and we don't need any more violence from these trailor trash losers.

3. This ZOG rumor crap is very similar to what Adolf Hitler said many years ago. Meet some Jews. Get to know them. Think for yourself.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 19, 2009
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a term used by critics to describe the wanky clone and chumpy bands that came on the wave of the "alternative" rock jeremiad that arrived after good bands like the Cure and Nirvana scored big hits. The "duh" refers to the fact that those bands are wussy, derivative and stupid to the max. In every genre you have the superstars and then there are the zeroes who ride on the talented groups' coattails.
1. In a CD listening booth I checked out the new releases. I heard a wussy British band doing a song about "boys and girls...", it had a synthesizer pulsing beat ripped off from "Fashion" by David Bowie. The rest of the tracks were utter crap. This alterna-duh album was by Blur.

2. The music critic in the local independent paper referred to the Primitive Radio Gods as an "alterna-duh" band.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice October 17, 2008
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an arrogant sorry excuse for a president. He's a bully yet he can't take criticism of any kind. He cries and bellyaches all the time, using the "fake news" jive line while his selfishness, vanity and corruption are obvious to all. This nickname is derived from TRUMP the Chump + ThumBALINA because despite his overbearing nature and delusions of god-hood, he is a really small pissant excuse of a man.
1. Trumpalina thinks he can do anything he wants since he hijacked the White House. However, he is on Putin's leash because Russianhackers breached U.S. cyberspace security on Election Day to set the Electoral College in Trump's favor. Trumpalina is a traitor, a quisling who is really owned by Vladimir Putin.

2. Trumpalina wants to build a Berlin-type 'Iron Curtain' wall at the Mexican border despite the fact there's border security already. Congress didn't appropriate the money for this wasteful enterprise. Trumpalina throws a hissy fit, he cries like a baby. WAH!

3. Trumpalina wants to scrap Obamacare without anything better. He has embarrassed himself to the rest of the world. He says NATO is obsolete and no allied nation even trusts him. He's a sexist pig, he gropes women and girls and has harassed beauty pageant contestants in the past . He imposed an immigration halt on mostly-Muslim countries - that is, where he has NO business interests. He has had Russian information ministers at the WH and he has openly given ISIS secrets to them. He is a slave to Putin, he openly collaborates with Russia. He is a small man and a sniveling cowardly traitor with a Nero complex. He acts like Caligula. IMPEACH TRUMPALINA NOW.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 3, 2017
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This is a manifesto statement that you can fire back at anyone who insults you, criticizes you, abuses you or puts you down. It's a statement of STRENGTH and CHARACTER. It affirms that you use your brain instead of falling for any loudmouth hypocritical hateful egomaniac. It means that you never have and never will recognize Donnie Douchebag Jerk TraitorTrashTrump the immoral immature ill-mannered fascist racist sexist daughter-molesting SMF as a President of the USA or even as a human being. It means that you don't fall for false messiahs, Trumpster did say he was the 'Chosen One' after all. It means that you have more morals, maturity and scruples than the person who is badmouthing you. This assumption has NOTHING to do with partisan or political issues, it's a moral and ethical one. Trump is a quisling, a puppet of Putin, a Russian sputnik, and a shrieking scowling Caligula antichrist with a personality cult that hangs like a thick gloomy cloud. When you say this phrase, you are stating that you are an American who supports our Constitution and the freedoms it encompasses. It means you embrace the diversity of what makes America great. It means that you are nobody's fool, not a sucker, not a dumb stooge and that you think for yourself - that you are not an easily impressed ignorant starfucker. And attempting to overthrow the government after losing an election is NEVER cool.
1. Teacher: Billy Idle, why are you so lazy? You didn't read the assignment, did ya? You're not good for anything!

Billy Idle: At least I didn't support Trump.

(watch the teacher's face get red with embarrassment)

2. Dad (screaming to his daughter): You're not going out with Pinky Paul and that's that! I didn't raise you to be dating a lunkhead like him! He's a loser!

Sussudio: At least I didn't support Trump.

Dad: Arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. When somebody is itching for a fight with you, just tell that moron 'At least I didn't support Trump', and that stupid cretin will probably leave you alone because you told him that you ain't a clod - that you're not dumber than a brick like he is.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 24, 2023
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a detention facility camp established by a totalitarian dictatorship to place dissidents, ethnic or religious or other citizens, and other so-called "undesirables". Usually the prisoners are beaten up constantly, starved, tortured, forced to do hard labor and live in unsanitary filthy conditions, and eventually murdered. During the Holocaust the Nazis exterminated around 6 million Jews and 5 million "others". This included democrats, republicans, liberals, socialists, communists, Gypsies, people with disabilities, critics of fascism, homosexuals, Russians, Poles, Slavs, pacifists and much more. The inmates all got their heads shaved and were forced to wear certain badges on their clothing to identify their "offense" (yellow star, pink triangle, blue P, and so on). Some prisoners were medically experimented on, some had their body parts used to make things like book covers, lampshades, wallets, couches and wallpaper; but many more were forced to take showers of Zyklon B.
1. other fascist regimes, like that of Spain under Francisco Franco, established concentration camps.

2. when General Pinochet overthrew the government of Chile a soccer stadium in Santiago was converted into a concentration camp.

3. I saw the satellite photos of the Muslim victims in the Omarska concentration camp in the former Yugoslavia. A very terrifying and horribly brutal sight.

4. after 9/11 many people wanted to arrest and pen up in concentration camps ALL people in America of Middle Eastern and Indian descent, as well as ALL Muslims here too. History keeps repeating itself. What has mankind learned? Not a doggone thing!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 28, 2008
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