4 definitions by I Am Going To Hell

Middle schoolers doing an advanced math class, primarily algebra. These middle schoolers usually are friends or good acquaintances.
Dude, let’s sit with the algegang during lunch.
by I Am Going To Hell May 13, 2018
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RaccoonEggs is a YouTuber. He is known for his offensive humor, shocking jokes, and playing CS. His videos are commonly found on IFunny or reposted on Instagram. Raccoon usually attracts a dark, cynical audience, which matches his 'sick' sense of humor.
"I love RaccoonEggs, dude. He is so funny."
"I hate him. He is way too offensive."
by I Am Going To Hell October 11, 2018
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Just hot spelled with a zero.

"H0t" is usually used in a joking manner, and typically isn't meant to be taken seriously. You may also see "h0t" on SnapChat, or in Instagram comments.
"Oh, he's h0t."

by I Am Going To Hell October 11, 2018
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Cool - another way to say lit or fire.

For our Boomers here some other symptoms include dope, rad, and gnarly.
“Dude, that’s cookin’!”

“That song was motherfucking cookin’!”
by I Am Going To Hell November 1, 2019
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