3 definitions by Hurdle season

When u insert a jack hammer into ur partners poop tunnel and it comes out the front end and you get the remains and feed em to ur dog and proceed to have inntercours while ur partners slowly dies
Aye what's up jusiah I had to call an ambulance after I hit that chick with tha Alabama Anus Buster
by Hurdle season December 1, 2016
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When u insert a jack hammer into ur partners poop tunnel and it comes out the front end and you get the remains and feed em to ur dog and proceed to have inntercours while ur partners slowly dies
Aye what's up jusiah I had to call an ambulance after I hit that chick with tha Alabama Anus Buster
by Hurdle season December 1, 2016
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When a male gets eroused by his lady companion he whips out his ding ding for her to suck. But instead she hovers over his tip with her mouth opened wide while the male continuosly inserts and excerpts his ding ding down her throat at a rapid speed.
Oh my god Steven, I just hit up my girl up last night with Tha Pakistanian Pacman!!
by Hurdle season October 14, 2016
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