5 definitions by Hunkasaurus Chunk

Human feces containing visible amounts of undigested corn.
Dude I hit the stalls cuz I had to take a crap and somebody left a herd of cornlords in there...
by Hunkasaurus Chunk July 27, 2009
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The unsettling occurrence that happens when you are washing your hands in the office bathroom and notice an eye staring at you through the slit in the toilet stall door.

This startling and creepy event is often accompanied by a syndrome of guilt, fear, shame, and dread one feels after the event.

This syndrome can often be a dual reaction by both parties; the victim and the perpetrator.
Dude, oh my god I just got stall-eyed and I feel pretty creeped out. I feel like i have to take a shower...
by Hunkasaurus Chunk May 14, 2009
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This term is coined from the 1992 Film "The Fly" starring Jeff Goldblum. His character, after turning into the violent and hideously rotting creature that was a genetic cross between a man and fly, was known as "Brundle Fly".

Thus, this hideously rotting and stinking pile of flesh can be turned towards a female vagina in some cases. Hence, Brundlepussy.
Dude, she looked good but when she took off her pants she had bad brundlepussy, I could not hit that thing it stank so bad.
by Hunkasaurus Chunk May 4, 2009
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The mental and physical stamina derived from the caffeine in hot office coffee.
Dude there is no way I'm getting this presentation done tonight without coffigens.


Man I am laggin, I need some coffigens


Jeeze dude I just hit the 3-o'clock wall I need coffigens in a hurry...
by Hunkasaurus Chunk May 14, 2009
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This term is coined from the 1992 Film "The Fly" starring Jeff Goldblum.

Someone has Brundlebreath when their breath is fowl and smells like feces and chunks of rotten flesh. Typicallys the victim is somehow completely oblivious to the fecal stench that emanates from their mouth.
We were going to have lunch but the dude in the car had Brundlebreath so bad he fumed us out and we were all left feeling nauseous.
by Hunkasaurus Chunk May 5, 2009
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