19 definitions by Hugh Johnson

To act as the scapegoat or fallguy for the misdeeds of others.

Named after Bush administration lackey Lewis "Scooter" Libby who took the blame for the treasonous 2003 outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame in a high-level effort to discredit Plame's husband Joseph Wilson after Wilson investigated Bush adminstraiton claims that Iraq was puchasing uranium from Niger. Vice President Dick Cheney, White House political operative Karl Rove, and likely George W. Bush himself approved of this treasonous attempt at intimidation.

As of December 2007, only Libby has spent any jail time in connection with Plame's outing. Libby's sentence was communted by Pretzeldent George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence in July 2007.
Jasper, I know you didn't screw up the database, but if you'll Libby for me, I'll buy you lunch.

by Hugh Johnson December 7, 2007
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Manipulative fake internet "viral marketing", taken from the spamming of popular websites such as Urban Dictionary with fake "buzz" promoting a third-rate Samuel L. Jackson movie.
UD Post: That Samuel L. Jackson movie is the best movie ever!
Savvy Guy: The fucking moving hasn't even come out yet -- you're just a victim of snakes on a plane.
by Hugh Johnson August 18, 2006
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Usually Garbage toyotas.
Have you seen devons sick rig?

Yea it's a piece of shit..
by Hugh Johnson December 6, 2016
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Usually a clapped out piece of shit, yet the owner thinks it's the coolest thing in town. Can be lowered or lifted. Always has dents or occasionally a broken window. 8/10 barely run.
Damn sick rig dude, want a blowie?
by Hugh Johnson December 5, 2016
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On January 13, 2002 appointed U.S. "President" George W. Bush fainted after choking on a pretzel, gouging his head on a table.
"You really think that Pretzeldent Bush would know how to respond to a disaster?"
by Hugh Johnson September 21, 2005
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A planet, such as Earth, dominated by carbon-based animal organisms.
by Hugh Johnson July 31, 2006
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Spaced out, stoned, unaware, oblivious, unconscious, drugged, narcotized.

Derived from the 70's phrase "lost in the ozone", which led to the related terms "ozoned", "zoned", and "zoned out".
I got kinda zoned out listening to Green Day and forgot to finish my term paper.

Dubya got zoned out at the Cabinet meeting and decided to invade Iraq without a legitimate cause.
by Hugh Johnson November 17, 2005
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